De-Mystifying Meditation
An 8 Week Online Course ~ New Start Date Coming Soon!
Meditation is a thousands of years old tradition and practice that has been shown to improve quality of life, mindset and even the functioning of the brain. Join me for this special 8-week course to learn about meditation, establish a daily practice and have access to community and support all along the way.
Research shows that with just 8 weeks of daily meditation, important areas of the brain begin to change. Recent studies have shown that with 8 weeks of daily practice, the grey matter of your brain thickens improving its functioning. The grey matter is involved in muscle control and sensory perception, including emotions, memory, speech, seeing, hearing, and decision making, Research also shows that meditation creates more neuroplasticity in the amygdala, a part of your brain responsible for activating the ‘fight or flight’ response, which means a healthier stress response.
Join me for this special 8 Week Opportunity to De-Mystify meditation!
In this course you will learn to prepare, practice and integrate. You are invited to a 30-minute Zoom every Sunday for 8 weeks beginning June 4th, during which we will explore essential understanding behind the practices, scientific research and practical tools to help you in your journey. Each Sunday you will learn about a new type of meditation that we will practice for 1 week. The recording of this meeting will be distributed on Monday so that you can practice daily in your own timing. At the end of the course, you will have a practical tool kit for integrating meditation on a daily basis.
The 8 week experience is $123
Weekly 30 minute Zoom gathering to learn about meditation; how to prepare, what it is, how to practice and exploring the various different types of meditation There will be time for Q & A at the end of each Zoom..
Each week we will explore a different type of meditation. The practice will be presented on the Zoom gathering, and will be recorded. You will then practice the weekly meditation each day on your own timing.
With the support of a WhatsApp group as well as question and answer time, learn how to choose which meditation technique is best for you right now, and how to integrate your discoveries into everyday life.
8 Sunday Meetings on Zoom ~ 11:00am CST (US) / 18:00pm Rome
Week 1 ~ Moving Meditation
Week 2 ~ Breathing Meditation
Week 3 ~ Guided Meditation
Week 4 ~ Mindfulness
Week 5 ~ Walking Meditation
Week 6 ~ Vipasana Meditation
Week 7 ~ Mantra Meditation
Week 8 ~ Loving Kindness Meditation